We are delighted to be taking part in Kensington + Chesea Art Week 2023!

From a public art trail, exhibitions and workshops to poetry, talks and performances, join us at Kensington + Chelsea Art Week from 22 June - 2 July to explore the wonder of the arts community across the borough.
Art Week is made up of a plethora of enthralling events and exhibitions from across the local community of artists, collectives, studios, galleries, film-makers, photographers, theatres, curators, schools, designers, and pop ups!
The curatorial theme for 2023 is 'The Art of Change' and our wide-reaching programme includes a Public Art Trail, Gallery Lates, a hop on-and-off Routemaster Art Trail Bus, a comprehensive Talks Programme, workshops, theatre performances, dancing, Poetry Corner, curated shop windows, and much more.
We look forward to seeing you there!